We had a loss and grief workshop (Prenatal Loss – A Therapeutic Journey) held on 20 August 2022. The therapeutic journey on that day began with psychoeducation that helped grievers understand more about loss and grief. Although grief is widely experienced, it is largely misunderstood or not understood. We looked at the nature of grief in general as well as specifically for prenatal loss. For example, along with the tangible loss of a baby, there are also intangible losses that mothers feel, often without realising, such as the loss of hopes and expectations.
During the workshop as we journey along, our participants bravely opened up on their losses, each showing how resilient they are even while feeling vulnerable. The art journaling portion of the workshop was for participants to use art, writing, or both, to express where they are right now on their grief journey.
We were heartened by the sharing, and the support that the women established during the time together. Although everyone may be at a different point on their grief journey, their participation in this workshop is a great reminder that no woman has to be alone after suffering from prenatal loss. It is also an acknowledgement that time alone does not heal – it is what we do within the time that enables healing.